Agnès - The funny one

the funny one
Comedian and actress, Agnès Hurstel experiments with the body with classical dance and circus school, before putting the head to work in a Bachelor of Arts at La Sorbonne. After adolescence, she added sex in her eponymous and hilarious show “Agnès Hurstel, Avec ma bouche” at the Sentier des Halles in 2017, then at the Théâtre du Rond-Point in 2018.
Don't miss his mood post on France Inter in the Original Band at Nagui, on Tuesdays around 11 a.m. until the end of July. While waiting for her return to the cinema… you have to follow her, Agnès!
Joking and facetious, with her Raphaelite face, her porcelain complexion and her air of not touching it, Agnès started by stealing her mother's Stouls before offering her own. The color suits him so well in his Murphy CURCUMA pants and his blue LONDON MOBYDICK jacket.